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鹿晗Skin to skin歌詞 鹿晗Skin to skin歌曲試聽 鹿晗Xplore歌曲


鹿Boss最新MINI數字專輯《Xplore》現已正式開啟預售~冬天在每個人心中或許都有不同的印象,雪花、白色哈氣、倒數跨年的煙花秀…這次在《Xplore》中,一座《微白城市》(Winter song),一首《Skin to skin》,有鹿Boss的聲音作伴的,是不一樣的冬天。三大平臺同時開啟:QQ音樂、酷狗音樂、酷我音樂,值得期待~。

鹿晗Skin to skin歌詞 鹿晗Skin to skin歌曲試聽 鹿晗Xplore歌曲

鹿晗xplore純英文的歌曲《Skin to skin》試聽:點選進入

鹿晗《Skin to skin》歌詞



製作:Picard Brothers



混音/母帶:周天澈@Tweak Tone Labs


Take your time

Love me in the middle of your lowest night

I'll be sure to lift you if you promise me

Give me your affection

And your honesty

If I could feel your touch

If I could be your love

I wanna go beyond

I wanna go to far

Now tell me I'm the only one

Skin to skin

Take your time

I'll be right here with you in the longest fight

Never will neglect you I'll stay by your side

Never would direct you

If I'm left behind

Will I still feel your touch

Will I still be your love

I wanna go beyond

I wanna go to far

Now tell me I'm the only one

Skin to skin